Berzerk Trends

  The Prompts: 1.) What were you blogging about a year ago today? What has changed? 2.) A childhood friend. 3.) A hobby you would pursue if you were the type to pursue hobbies. 4.) A trend you’re not much a fan of. 5.) Something your child did or said this week that made youContinueContinue reading “Berzerk Trends”

12 Lines of Music Changing

  The Prompts: 1.) How has music changed since you were a child? 2.) Write a post in just 12 lines. 3.) Your favorite summer view so far. 4.) Share your best way to beat the summer heat. 5.) Something a sibling did that made you laugh.   I added #2  and #1 together justContinueContinue reading “12 Lines of Music Changing”